Although fleas can be a problem for your pets all year, flea populations typically explode about 5 or 6 weeks after the weather starts to warm up.
A female lays about 2,000 eggs in her lifetime. In one day, a single female flea can lay up to 50 eggs. The eggs aren't sticky - some may quickly fall off your pet and into areas of your home. In two to five days, the eggs hatch.
After hatching, the larvae head toward dark places around your home and feed on "flea dirt" -- excrement of the partially digested blood of your pet. The larvae grow, molt twice, then spin cocoons, where they grow to pupae.
Immature fleas spend approximately 8 to 9 days in their cocoon. During this time, they continue to grow to adulthood, waiting for the signals that it is time to emerge.
Full-grown adults detect heat, vibrations and exhaled carbon dioxide from inside their cocoons, telling them a host is nearby. The adults leave their cocoons, hop onto a host, find a mate and begin the life cycle all over again. The entire life cycle can be as short as 3 to 4 weeks.
FRONTLINEŽ Brand Products break the flea life cycle by killing adult fleas before they can lay their eggs. FRONTLINE Plus provides additional flea protection by keeping eggs and immature fleas from maturing into adults.
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